Promoting your fitness business through Facebook

Today Facebook is one of the most widely used marketing tools for any fitness business. This is because every person you know has an account on Facebook which is checked for updates and newsfeeds, a number of times in a day. As a personal trainer who wishes to use this powerful tool for promoting his/her fitness business, you must know how exactly to go about it.

A Facebook page is a must

Having a Facebook page is the first step for marketing your fitness business. Populate your Facebook page with health articles, pictures of your business location, videos of you conducting training sessions, client testimonials, and other useful content. Make it a point to update your Facebook page every day with different information. Have a complete profile of your business along with contact details on your page. These days digital advertising for personal trainers is essential if you want to grow your fitness business into a leading brand within the fitness industry.

fitness marketing

Invite people

Invite people on your friend’s list and contacts to like your page. Tell your existing clients about your Facebook page and inform them that you post updates about your services and run online contests regularly. If your clients follow your page, it becomes easier to promote your business by adding pictures or videos with them. Another important thing is to ask them before you upload any pictures or videos of them, since not everyone is comfortable sharing stuff on Facebook.

Have interactive content

Along with having content that educates the viewer and advertises your services, also have content like a poll or quiz to make it fun for the viewer. This is more likely to catch the attention of the viewer and make them come back to the page again and again.

Keep it lively

Keep your Facebook page lively and fun with snippets, health articles or health tips of the day. Run short contests and quizzes and offer attractive prizes like a cap, wrist band or a printed shirt. Offer discounts on your services for the winners or invite them for free mini-exercise sessions. Another great tactic to engage with your clients is to add all your prospects into your database and send an email broadcast to all your subscribers, an email autoresponder for personal trainers is a fantastic cheap way to connect with people whenever you want, and for free!

Have live discussions

Invite followers to participate in live discussions or question and answer sessions on your Facebook page. Create a Live event and post a thread for people so that they can ask questions and you can answer them on air.

Announce winners on Facebook

Winners of fitness contests or quizzes must be announced on Facebook by tagging them and by posting pictures of the event. Even if they are clients or non-members who are only following your page, they can be made to feel special in this way. It also has the benefit of promoting your business to people who are in their friend’s circle and is a great marketing tool.

Reply quickly

If there is a discussion that has been started on the page, make sure you respond to comments quickly. It makes the viewers feel special and increases their willingness to engage themselves in discussions.

The most important thing to remember is to update your Facebook page with the information you think would be useful to the audience. As followers to your Facebook page go on increasing, you can think of various fitness marketing strategies to convert these leads into memberships.